0127744964 / 012-774-4964

What is this phone number?


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Please share your idea about 0127744964 / 012-774-4964.
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I doubt the validity of this information? or maybe you are a great person because you can reveal this kind of information to the public, but do you know that your actions are seen by the creator.
2023-10-19 17:59:24 (*.*..)
may allah bless you Thanks
2023-10-19 08:55:53 (*.*..)
Thank you for your info
2023-10-19 08:54:54 (*.*..)
not died just change their number. but can use address house.
2023-10-19 08:38:11 (*.*.22.154)
I think owner of this phone number already died coz I try to call,number not in service,I search fb account not exist
2023-10-17 15:29:29 (*.*..)
2023-10-12 15:05:49 (*.*.210.140)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13,taman perling, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-09-05 19:20:44 (*.*.168.165)
storfjorden fjord
2023-09-01 22:51:52 (*.*.55.230)
hei makarina
2023-09-01 22:45:56 (*.*.168.240)
2023-09-01 22:44:43 (*.*.133.67)
mor's kro
2023-09-01 22:43:47 (*.*.76.214)
lets use nike swoosh. lookso smart.
2023-09-01 22:42:11 (*.*.39.70)
lets move on loohh. chukong
2023-09-01 22:37:13 (*.*.20.196)
can't trust , so crazy.
2023-09-01 22:32:42 (*.*.169.210)
jhai phukong
2023-09-01 22:30:47 (*.*.120.21)
so haiii
2023-09-01 22:27:37 (*.*.155.84)
z phutong
2023-09-01 22:25:54 (*.*.120.21)
2023-09-01 22:22:55 (*.*.57.92)
like humpty dumpty. LooooL
2023-09-01 22:16:58 (*.*.70.88)
mental health problem
2023-09-01 22:14:47 (*.*.194.238)
No one can trust what you do.
2023-09-01 22:12:20 (*.*.171.35)
mcm nate beruk
2023-09-01 22:10:45 (*.*.120.21)
Problem with their brain. LOL
2023-09-01 22:07:24 (*.*.230.61)
your mind like so rubbish
2023-09-01 22:02:52 (*.*.227.148)
youre so bad girl
2023-09-01 22:01:22 (*.*.168.179)
Unprofessional person
2023-09-01 21:55:50 (*.*.168.131)
look like desperate housewive movies.LoL
2023-09-01 21:52:57 (*.*.32.37)
so bad this numbers owner 4964
2023-09-01 21:50:54 (*.*.111.100)
4694 bad mouthing numbers
2023-09-01 16:31:43 (*.*.133.117)
just see what is written but don't believe it. suddenly take someone else's name and then find fault with the other person. funny
2023-08-31 21:25:37 (*.*.111.92)
It's wrong to blame others
2023-08-31 21:02:44 (*.*.241.67)
2023-08-31 20:53:42 (*.*.168.197)
The owner may be depressed. that's why try to blame others.
2023-08-31 20:38:33 (*.*.231.6)
bad mouthing others without evidence
2023-08-31 20:33:08 (*.*.120.35)
Fb name MSY Mohd Saleh Guna nombor orang lain sebab pengecut 0197027137
2023-08-31 20:21:00 (*.*.120.205)
2023-08-31 20:19:03 (*.*.120.205)
012-774-4964 bad person
2023-08-31 20:12:39 (*.*.231.46)
This number likes to discredit others
2023-08-31 20:09:25 (*.*.207.172)
Yes, this number badmouthing others
2023-08-31 20:06:49 (*.*.207.180)
Fb name MSY Mohd Saleh Guna nombor orang lain sebab pengecut 0197027137
2023-08-31 20:05:00 (*.*..)
Fb name MSY Mohd Saleh Guna nombor orang lain sebab pengecut 0197027137
2023-08-31 20:04:28 (*.*..)
I see the owner of this number badmouthing others
2023-08-31 20:04:09 (*.*.139.37)
Problem person number
2023-08-31 19:54:11 (*.*.22.149)
Fb name MSY Mohd Saleh Guna nombor orang lain sebab pengecut 0197027137
2023-08-31 19:36:51 (*.*..)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13,taman perling, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-31 18:32:05 (*.*.230.38)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13,taman perling, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-30 19:56:08 (*.*.168.101)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13,taman perling, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-30 13:29:37 (*.*.168.163)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13,taman perling, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-30 07:02:22 (*.*.209.53)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13,taman perling, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-29 20:24:48 (*.*.168.227)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13,taman perling, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-28 19:46:16 (*.*.168.147)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13,taman perling, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-28 15:52:23 (*.*..)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13,taman perling, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-26 23:22:47 (*.*..)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13,taman perling, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-26 23:22:42 (*.*..)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13,taman perling, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-26 23:22:03 (*.*..)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-26 15:37:05 (*.*.168.165)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-25 20:55:00 (*.*.168.131)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-24 15:23:20 (*.*.168.227)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309235448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-23 20:31:37 (*.*.168.163)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309015448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-23 19:53:01 (*.*.168.213)
miszaiela binti ismail 880309015448 , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-23 19:23:53 (*.*.168.163)
miszaiela binti ismail , Love to couple seriously (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-23 14:29:15 (*.*.168.165)
miszaiela binti ismail (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza Love to couple
2023-08-22 19:36:17 (*.*.168.227)
miszaiela binti ismail (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza Love to couple
2023-08-21 15:53:51 (*.*.171.35)
miszaiela binti ismail (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza Love to couple
2023-08-21 10:53:05 (*.*.70.58)
miszaiela binti ismail (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza Love to couple
2023-08-20 11:20:58 (*.*.205.170)
miszaiela binti ismail (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza Love to couple.
2023-08-18 14:29:50 (*.*.168.133)
miszaiela binti ismail (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza Love to couple.
2023-08-18 08:19:14 (*.*.168.195)
miszaiela binti ismail (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza Love to couple.
2023-08-18 08:18:51 (*.*.168.195)
miszaiela binti ismail (FB link - miesza.iela ) 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza Love to couple.
2023-08-17 09:44:16 (*.*.168.87)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza Love to couple.
2023-08-16 17:35:16 (*.*.168.147)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza Find love for couple
2023-08-16 08:02:41 (*.*.168.179)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza Find love for couple
2023-08-15 08:16:32 (*.*..)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-14 12:10:15 (*.*.168.211)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-13 17:13:06 (*.*.22.152)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-11 14:51:56 (*.*.168.213)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-10 20:34:33 (*.*.168.197)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-09 20:25:31 (*.*.168.147)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-09 15:45:33 (*.*.168.227)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-09 12:26:23 (*.*.168.101)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-08 20:02:31 (*.*.205.180)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-08 17:32:57 (*.*.168.131)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-08 15:21:56 (*.*.168.147)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-08 09:45:40 (*.*.34.116)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor FB Sutera miesza
2023-08-07 09:52:03 (*.*.168.115)
miszaiela binti ismail 0203, blok N1, Jalan camar 13, johor bahru skudai 81300 Johor
2023-08-06 19:03:30 (*.*.168.227)
miszaiela binti ismail
2023-08-06 17:33:17 (*.*..)
miszaiela binti ismail
2023-08-04 21:27:38 (*.*..)
miszaiela bin ismail
2023-08-04 21:27:04 (*.*..)

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Visit Count : 547
Recent Visit : 2024-07-05 22:36:24

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